
You can return to us within 14 days!

You can return your order within 14 days. Make sure that your order or item is packaged unused and undamaged.

NB! You will only receive a refund for the full amount of the product. Shipping costs will NOT be refunded due to the fact that the package has already been shipped.

The costs for returns are at your own expense. Unless it concerns a damaged or incorrectly shipped item. You can send the return shipment by letterbox post. You don't have to go to a post office for this. The risk of the return shipment in the event that it is lost lies with you.

Step-by-step plan for registering a return:

  1. Download the return form and complete it (it can be digital but also physical);
  2. Send an email to ;
  3. Enter as subject: Order *YOUR ORDER NUMBER* - RETURN";
  4. Please include the completed return form and any additional images in the appendix;
  5. Send the Email.

Return step-by-step plan:

  1. Place the item(s) with the packing slip in the packaging;
  2. Close the package;
  3. Go to a postal point and send the package to:

Marbri Shop
Nogonkendstraat 119
3029 PA ROTTERDAM, Netherlands

NB! Don't forget to include your packing slip in the package, otherwise we won't know it is your order (a letter with your order number is also allowed).

What happens once you have sent your return?
As soon as we have received and processed your return, we will let you know via a confirmation email. When we have received the product in good and original condition, we will refund the order amount due within five working days of receipt, via the payment method you have chosen.

Is your product damaged or incorrectly delivered?
Of course that is not the intention! Please contact our customer service as soon as possible by emailing
. They are ready to help you and will solve the problem for you as soon as possible. Don't forget to include your order number and photos of the damaged/wrong product. Then we can assess it and find a suitable solution for you.

Do you want to exchange your order?
Have you ordered something, but would you rather receive something else? You can do this by returning the product and ordering the correct one. Returning a product/order must be done within 14 days.